

1. No regrets — 毫不后悔
例句:I lived life with no regrets. (我毫不后悔地过了自己的人生。)

2. Regrets only — 只接受请柬回复
例句:I’m having a party at my place next week, regrets only. (下周我在家开聚会,只接受请柬回复。)

3. Regrettable — 令人遗憾的
例句:It’s regrettable that she couldn’t join us. (她不能加入我们令人遗憾。)

4. Regretful — 遗憾的,后悔的
例句:I felt regretful for having said that to her. (我后悔对她说了那样的话。)

5. Regretfully — 遗憾地,惋惜地
例句:Regretfully, we have to decline the invitation. (很遗憾,我们必须拒绝邀请。)

6. Regrettable mistake — 令人遗憾的错误
例句:The accident was a regrettable mistake. (这次事故是一次令人遗憾的错误。)

7. Express/regret one’s apologies/respect/regards — 表示道歉/敬意/问候
例句:On this solemn occasion, I express my deep regret for what happened. (在这个庄严的场合,我为所发生的事情表示深刻的歉意。)

8. Live to regret — 后悔不已
例句:If you quit now, you’ll live to regret it. (如果你现在放弃,你将会后悔不已。)

9. Regret the day/night/moment — 后悔那一天/晚上/时刻
例句:You’ll regret the day you decided not to help me. (你将后悔当初决定不帮助我。)

10. Leave nothing to regret — 不留遗憾,无悔
例句:I want to leave nothing to regret. (我想要无悔的生活。)


